we exist...
To know Christ and
to make Him known
St Luke’s is a friendly Anglican Evangelical Church in Hampstead – a residential suburb of London. Whoever you are and whatever your previous Christian experience, we would love you to join us.
The Parish of St. Luke is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding officer Tracy Somorjay can be contacted at safeguarding@stlukeshampstead.org.
Our Safeguarding Policy can be read in full here.
You can also contact the Diocese of London Safeguarding Team at 020 7932 1224 (9am-5pm) and out of hours advice can be sought from the Thirtyone:eight helpline on 0303 003 1111 option 2. If you think someone is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the police and inform either Camden Children’s or Adult Social Services as appropriate.
Children’s link to go to
Adult link to go to: